
For generating grids of floats.

class floater.generators.FloatSet(xlim=None, ylim=None, dx=1.0, dy=1.0, model_grid=None, load_path=None, zvect=None)

Represents a set of initial float positions on a regular grid.


from_pickle([filename]) Sets attributes equal to saved FloatSet object in pickled format
get_hexmesh() Get the coordinates of the float positions in a hexagonal mesh.
get_rectmesh() Get the coordinates of the float positions in a rectangualr mesh.
npart_index_to_ndarray(data, npart) Grid the data according to its npart (particle id)
npart_to_2D_array(ds1d) Constructs 2D Dataset from 1D DataArray/Dataset of single or multi-variable.
parcel_area([latlon]) Get the area of each parcel.
subset_floats_from_mask(xx, yy, zz) Eliminate float positions that are on land land mask.
to_mitgcm_format(filename[, tstart, iup, …]) Output floatset data in MITgcm format
to_pickle([filename]) Write out floatset data in pickled format

Sets attributes equal to saved FloatSet object in pickled format

filename : str

The filename to load in the saved floatset data from (e.g. ‘floatset.pkl’)


Get the coordinates of the float positions in a hexagonal mesh.

x : np.ndarray

1D array of float x coordinates

y : np.ndarray

1D array of float y coordinates

z : np.ndarray

1D array of float z coordinates


Get the coordinates of the float positions in a rectangualr mesh.

x : np.ndarray

1D array of float x coordinates

y : np.ndarray

1D array of float y coordinates

z : np.ndarray

1D array of float z coordinates

npart_index_to_ndarray(data, npart)

Grid the data according to its npart (particle id)

data : 1D array

The data to be gridded

npart : 1D array

The particle ids


Constructs 2D Dataset from 1D DataArray/Dataset of single or multi-variable.

ds1d : 1D DataArray/Dataset

One-dimensional dataarray/dataset of physical variable(s) with dimension ‘npart’

ds2d : 2D Dataset

Two-dimensional dataset of physical variable(s) with dimensions ‘y0’ and ‘x0’


Get the area of each parcel.

subset_floats_from_mask(xx, yy, zz)

Eliminate float positions that are on land land mask.

xx : arraylike

float longitudes

yy : arraylike

float latitudes

zz : arraylike

float depths

model_grid : dictionary
the following key value pairs are expected
‘land_mask’: np.ndarray of bools

2d array of dimensions in C order: shape==(len(lat), len(lon)) An element is True iff the corresponding tracer cell grid point is unmasked (ocean) OR 3d array

‘lon’: 1d array of the mask grid longitudes ‘lat’: 1d array of the mask grid latitudes ‘rc’: 1d array of mask grid depths

xx_masked, yy_masked, zz_masked: np.ndarray

1D arrays of float coordinates subarrays:

to_mitgcm_format(filename, tstart=0, iup=0, mesh='rect', read_binary_prec=64)

Output floatset data in MITgcm format

filename : str

The filename to save the floatset data in (e.g.float.ini.pos.hex.bin)

tstart : float

time for float initialisation (default = 0)

iup : int
flag if the float
  • should profile ( > 0 = return cycle (in s) to surface)
  • remain at depth ( = 0 )
  • is a 3D float ( = -1 )
  • should be advected WITHOUT additional noise (= -2 );
    (this implies that the float is non-profiling)
  • is a mooring ( = -3 ); i.e. the float is not advected
mesh : {‘rect’, ‘hex’}
  • ‘rect’ : rectangular cartesian
  • ‘hex’ : hexagonal
read_binary_prec : {32, 64}

data precision for binary file (should match MITgcm data file)


Write out floatset data in pickled format

filename : str

The filename to save the floatset data in (e.g. ‘floatset.pkl’)


Input formats for different types of float data.

class floater.input.MITgcmFloatData(data_path, file_prefix='float_trajectories', buf_dim=14, file_dtype=dtype('>f4'), cast_to_dtype=dtype('float32'), keep_fields=None)

Everything we need to interact with MITgcm float output data.


generator([read_blocksize_mb, …]) Returns a generator which will loop through every record in the dataset.
generator(read_blocksize_mb=64, return_full_block=False, progress=True)

Returns a generator which will loop through every record in the dataset.

read_blocksize_mb : int

The number of mb to read in at a time

return_full_block : bool

If True, returns the whole block on each yield. Otherwise one record at a time

progress : bool

Report on progress to stdout



Calculate the area, convex hull area, and convexity deficiency of a polygon contour.

con : arraylike

A 2D array of vertices with shape (N,2) that follows the scikit image conventions (con[:,0] are j indices)

region_area : float
hull_area : float
convexity_deficiency : float
floater.rclv.contour_ji_to_geo(contour_ji, lon, lat)

converts a contour in ij pixel coordinates to lat/lon

contour_ij: the list of vertices in (the LAVD image’s) ij pixel coordinates
lon: 1-D array of grid longitudes
lat: 1-D array of gird latitudes
contour_geo: the list of vertices in lat/lon coordinates
floater.rclv.convex_contour_around_maximum(data, ji, init_contour_step_frac=0.1, border=5, convex_def=0.01, convex_def_tol=0.001, max_footprint=None, proj_kwargs=None, periodic=(False, False), max_iters=1000, min_limit_diff=1e-10)

Find the largest convex contour around a maximum.

data : array_like

The 2D data to contour

ji : tuple

The index of the maximum in (j, i) order

init_contour_step_frac : float

the value with which to increment the initial contour level (multiplied by the local maximum value)

border: int

the initial window around the maximum

convex_def : float, optional

The target convexity deficiency allowed for the contour.

convex_def_tol : float, optional

The tolerance for which the convexity deficiency will be sought

verbose : bool, optional

Whether to print out diagnostic information

proj_kwargs : dict, optional

Information for projecting the contour into spatial coordinates. Should contain entries lon0, lat0, dlon, and dlat.

periodic : tuple

Tuple of bools which specificies the periodicity of each axis (j, i) of the data

contour : array_like

2D array of contour vertices with shape (N,2) that follows the scikit image conventions (contour[:,0] are j indices)

area : float

The area enclosed by the contour

cd : float

The actual convexity deficiency of the identified contour

floater.rclv.find_convex_contours(data, min_distance=5, min_area=100.0, use_threadpool=False, lon=None, lat=None, progress=False, **contour_kwargs)

Find the outermost convex contours around the maxima of data with specified convexity deficiency.

data : array_like

The 2D data to contour

min_distance : int, optional

The minimum distance around maxima (pixel units)

min_area : float, optional

The minimum area of the regions (pixels or projected if lon and lat are specified)

lon, lat : arraylike

Longitude and latitude of data points. Should be 1D arrays such that len(lon) == data.shape[1] and len(lat) == data.shape[0]

init_contour_step_frac : float

the value with which to increment the initial contour level (multiplied by the local maximum value)

border: int

the initial window around the maximum

convex_def : float, optional

The target convexity deficiency allowed for the contour.

convex_def_tol : float, optional

The tolerance for which the convexity deficiency will be sought

verbose : bool, optional

Whether to print out diagnostic information

proj_kwargs : dict, optional

Information for projecting the contour into spatial coordinates. Should contain entries lon0, lat0, dlon, and dlat.

periodic : tuple

Tuple of bools which specificies the periodicity of each axis (j, i) of the data

contour : array_like

2D array of contour vertices with shape (N,2) that follows the scikit image conventions (contour[:,0] are j indices)

area : float

The area enclosed by the contour (in pixels or projected if lon and lat are specified)

cd : float

The actual convexity deficiency of the identified contour

floater.rclv.label_points_in_contours(shape, contours)

Label the points inside each contour.

shape : tuple

Shape of the original domain from which the contours were detected (e.g. LAVD field)

contours : list of vertices

The contours to label (e.g. result of RCLV detection)

labels : array_like

Array with contour labels assigned. Zero means not inside a contour


Compute the area of a polygon.

verts : array_like

2D shape (N,2) array of vertices. Uses scikit image convetions (j,i indexing)

area : float

Area of polygon enclolsed by verts. Sign is determined by vertex order (cc vs ccw)

floater.rclv.project_vertices(verts, lon0, lat0, dlon, dlat)

Project the logical coordinates of vertices into physical map coordiantes.

verts : arraylike

A 2D array of vertices with shape (N,2) that follows the scikit image conventions (con[:,0] are j indices)

lon0, lat0 : float

center lon and lat for the projection

dlon, dlat : float

spacing of points in longitude

dlat : float

spacing of points in latitude

verts_proj : arraylike

A 2D array of projected vertices with shape (N,2) that follows the scikit image conventions (con[:,0] are j indices)


floater.utils.floats_to_bcolz(input_dir, output_dir, progress=False, **kwargs)

Convert MITgcm float data to bcolz format.

floater.utils.floats_to_castra(input_dir, output_fname, progress=False, **kwargs)

Convert MITgcm float data to pands hdf format.

floater.utils.floats_to_netcdf(input_dir, output_fname, float_file_prefix='float_trajectories', ref_time=None, output_dir='./', output_prefix='float_trajectories', pkl_path=None)

Convert MITgcm float data to NetCDF format.

input_dir : path

Where to find the MITgcm output data

output_fname : path

Filename of the NetCDF data store

float_file_prefix : str

Prefix of MITgcm output files

ref_time : str

Reference time, format: YYYY-MM-DD

output_dir : path

Where to store the transcoded NetCDF files

output_prefix : str

Prefix of the transcoded NetCDF files

floater.utils.floats_to_pandas(input_dir, output_fname, progress=False, **kwargs)

Convert MITgcm float data to pands hdf format.

floater.utils.floats_to_tables(float_dir, output_fname, float_file_prefix='float_trajectories', fltBufDim=14, float_dtype=dtype('>f4'), use_memmap=True, progress=False, write_blocksize_mb=64, read_blocksize_mb=64, max_write_blocks=inf)

Translate an MITgcm float output file into pytables HDF format.